Frequently Asked Questions

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Payment for trips is accepted either in cash or by card.

As a driver

To resolve a conflict. Go to settings, completed trips, click on "Resolve Conflict" button

As a requester

To resolve a conflict. Go to settings, completed trips, click on "Resolve Conflict" button

As a requester

To review a driver. Go to settings, completed trips, click on "Review" button

Reviewing a driver is restricted to only those who have completed a trip.

If a driver fails to show up, you have the option to cancel the trip and make a new request.

It's important to note that it is uncommon for drivers to refused to show.

Should a driver cancel your trip request, it will be automatically sent to other drivers for consideration.

It's important to note that it is uncommon for drivers to cancel trip requests.

When a requester cancels a trip, both the requester and the driver will no longer be able to see the trip and its details. If needed, the trip must be requested again.

There is no limit to the number of trips you can request.

You can only cancel a trip that is still open or accepted; once a trip is in progress, it cannot be canceled.

To cancel a trip. Click "Trips" button to view current trips. Find the trip you want to cancel and click "Cancel" button

Deleting your account will result in the loss of access to all Egomoov services. Rest assured that all your personal data will be permanently deleted. However, any activities involving other Egomoov account holders will be retained for operational purposes.

To delete your account:
  • On the app, go to "Settings".
  • Go to "Account and Logins"
  • Tap "Delete Account" button
As a driver, you won't be able to delete your account if you have current trips or an amount owed to Egomoov.